What Types of Services do DUI Lawyers in WA Provide?

If you or someone you love has been charged with a DUI, it’s important to have legal representation to help guide you through the often complicated court process.  DUI lawyers in WA provides a variety of services to their clients that are designed to help them get their case resolved as efficiently and as painlessly as possible.  While there’s no lawyer that can just make your case go away, most skilled DUI lawyers can at least help to reduce the severity of the punishment.  Regardless of the details or challenges that are involved in your case, it definitely pays to seek out legal representation if you’ve been charged with a DUI.

When you first meet with a DUI lawyer, they will discuss the details of your case with you and will take a look at the details of the charging documents in order to get the full picture.  They will also take a look at your history, including previous DUI or criminal cases you may have been involved in, and any non-DUI driving infractions that are on your record.

During the pre-trial process, a DUI lawyer will help you decide if you should plead guilty to the charges that have been brought up against you, or if they should try and get the charges dropped.  Charges can often be dropped for first time offenders, and in some cases, they can be reclassified into an offense that is not related to alcohol or drug use.

It’s important to try and get charges dropped as early as possible in the DUI process, because if you succeed, you’ll end up saving the time and money that going to court can cost you.  You could end up going all the way through a trial only to have the charges dropped and find that you’ve exhausted your bank account in order to do so.  A good attorney will work hard early on and throughout the process in order to minimize your court costs and to reduce the possible penalties and jail time.