Leave it to Us to Give you the Best Possible Seattle DWI Defense

You have found yourself in a precarious position. You have been charged with a DUI, a social stigma no one wants to admit to. The consequences can be devastating; anything from taking your driver’s license, suspending your driving privileges, fines and even jail time are possible. You are a responsible and well respected citizen with a job and family. You could lose all that if you are not properly defended in court.

Don’t take advice from friends and family; they are well meaning but, full of bogus and unreliable information. For the best possible outcome of this situation you need a professional; someone who knows the DUI laws and has experience working with those laws. The best Seattle DWI Defense has is Attorney Steven Hayne. He has been defending and counseling DUI cases for thirty years.

In his three decades of DWI defense Councilor Hayne has done his homework and has prepared defendants for witness and cross-examination. He has extensively studied criminal and DUI law and his law practice devotes 95% of its resources to DUIs. Of all the Seattle lawyers who practice in our city, Attorney Hayne has the highest success rate and most experience. Both are attributes you want on your side when you go in front of the judge for a DWI case.

The City of Seattle and the State of Washington take alcohol and drug impaired driving offenses very seriously. The penalties here are some of the toughest in the country, even if it’s your first offense. A qualified Seattle DWI attorney by your side when you face those charges isn’t something that should be looked at as an option. It’s essential. Do not go to court without representation. The results if you do could be disastrous.

Visit our main website and you will see several very thankful clients. These clients thought their charge would be the end of their normal and happy life. Steve Hayne fought the charges and all the while treated his clients with dignity and respect. Being charged and or arrested is scary for everybody; Councilor Hayne will put you at ease with his gentle demeanor and professional manner. After all his years of experience there isn’t a whole lot he hasn’t seen.