Important Questions You Should Ask Your Bellevue DWI Lawyer

You’ve been arrested for DWI and you’re thinking to yourself, What Happens Now and how much trouble am I in? Driving under the Influence is a serious charge. The penalties for a person convicted of Driving under the Influence are very harsh, but a competent, experienced lawyer can minimize the impact significantly, in even the most difficult cases. A person can be charged with Driving under the Influence based on two grounds, that he or she:
• Drove With a .08 BAC (blood alcohol content) within two hours of driving
• Drove While “under the influence” of alcohol and/or drugs.
If I hire a Bellevue DWI Lawyer, does that mean my case will go to trial?
Most likely not, hiring a competent Bellevue DWI lawyer is the first order of business. The chances of going to trial decrease considerably and with the experience of a Seattle DWI defense, the chances of working out a plea bargain are very good.
If I hire an attorney to represent me, what do I need to know?
When you hire an attorney it is imperative you find out how experienced he/she is with DWI cases.
• Ask them how long they have been defending people charged with DWI.
• What percentage of their practice is dedicated to defending DWI?
• Finally, ask them how many opportunities they have had to go to trial on DWI charges.
My breath test exceeded the limit, am I looking at a catastrophe?
No, but hiring a competent Bellevue DUI Lawyer as soon as possible can lessen the impact of the situation. The higher the blood alcohol level is, the greater your chances of having ‘aggravated’ circumstances added to your charges. Yes, these cases are more serious, but the presence of an experienced DWI attorney will improve your chances of avoiding long term detrimental effects.
The charge of a DWI is a serious offense. If you are found guilty of driving while intoxicated the effects of that conviction can be far reaching. Insurance rates will skyrocket and back ground checks are the normal procedure for many hiring companies. If you have the misfortune of being charged with a DWI your best move is to hire the right DWI attorney with the most experience.